Frequently Asked Questions

  • What tools will we have at our disposal?

    You can use any tools you want to develop your solution! We will be providing workshops on Microsoft Azure AI, AWS Bedrock (and credits), Cohere LLMs and IBM Watson (and credits for Challenge teams). 

  • What should I bring with me?

    Just your laptop, your charger and a good mood.  

  • Is it necessary to use the tools you will show us?

    No! The choice of tools is up to the members of each team!

  • What are the criteria for selecting the winner?

    The teams are scored on the basis of their idea, its technical (total/partial or indicative) implementation, and its presentation. They deliver a presentation file (pitch deck) and the Minimum Viable Product they developed. Detailed instructions with the criteria and the respective coefficients will be provided at the start of the competition.

  • What are the prizes?

    The top 3 teams will win cash prizes, and the opportunity to attend training and certification from Microsoft on Azure AI. The first team will also win a participation in the ACEin Entrepreneurship Center's Pre-Incubation Cycle, as well as the Makeathon trophy.

  • How many winners are there?

    One from each challenge is selected, and then 3 winners are chosen from them, in first, second and third place respectively.

  • Do I need to know programming?/ Should participants have a very good knowledge of AI

    Not necessarily! An important part of the evaluation is the concept and pitching, to which anyone who is passionate about AI can contribute! On the other hand, we aim for diverse teams, so that a rudimentary implementation can be carried out by at least 2 members of each team. If you don't feel comfortable enough in your knowledge of AI, don't forget you might find the first day workshops useful too! 

  • Why should I join?

    Join an active community of young people who are passionate about AI, learn by doing and test yourself, experiment with real-life challenges identified in different industries, get advice from experienced mentors, meet and interact with small and large companies investing in innovation, win unique prizes, gain an unforgettable experience and all in all come and have a good time!

  • How are the challenges selected?

    At the opening ceremony on the first day, the 5 Challenge Owners will present their Challenge in detail. You will then have time (about 1 hour) to discuss with your team and submit your selection. Each challenge can only accept a limited number of teams, and therefore, a first-come, first-served basis. 

  • Do I have to have a team already?

    No, we form teams for those who don't.

  • What is the difference from a regular hackathon?

    Makeathon, unlike a regular hackathon, emphasizes on making, as it seeks to highlight the interdisciplinary nature of AI. The goal is not the perfect code, but an overall innovative approach to solving a real-world problem!

  • Do I have to be there every day?

    The "Making" process (see schedule) can practically be done from anywhere, however, there will be company representatives and mentors at the competition site who can answer important questions and help you! Let's not forget the unique surprises that the UniAI team will have for you!

  • Can a student with 0 experience in AI code but with an interest in it, participate?

    Yes! Makeathon is the perfect opportunity to get more friction in the field, regardless if you've never done it before!

  • Can we come up with our own idea?

    The idea developed by your team must solve one of the 5 Challenges that will be announced at the opening ceremony.

  • What do I have to deliver at the end?

    At the end each team delivers

    • The Pitch Deck of your solution
    • Any form of implementation of this has been done